Future proofing audiovisual technology has become a major focus for smart leaders everywhere. While new technology is exciting, it can be too easy to get sucked into making purchases prematurely when you see that shiny new tool, and equally as easy to miss opportunities to upgrade with technologies that keep your business on the edge.

Staying ahead of the competition is about being proactive, not reactive. The only constant is change, and business technology is no exception. A logical approach to the process of future proofing audiovisual technology involves assessing where you are, determining where you want to go in a given period of time, and plotting a clear path ahead into the future.

Audiovisual technology is constantly evolving, just like your business. Your AV tools should be selected to improve your communication capabilities with your audience, your customers both internal and external, providing time and task efficiency, encouraging consistent processes, delivering effective messaging, resulting in a positive ROI to your business operations. Future proofing means staying on top of the technologies your company requires to deliver your message and improve employee effectiveness.

Future Proofing Starts with the Right People

A business is only as prepared as its employees. Start your efforts at future proofing your AV technology by hiring people with a pro-technology mindset, who are savvy, motivated, and eager to use the latest advancements in communication and collaboration technology. These individuals will understand that innovation is a constant and will not hesitate to embrace innovation.

For employees who who may not be accustomed to technology, providing the right tools, training, and time is essential. Such employees may be great contributors to your success, and are valuable, but they must be taught how to use new audiovisual technologies, and be convinced of their utility. A small assignment utilizing the technology is usually an effective means for becoming familiar with something new that will bring benefit to the enterprise at large.

Future Proofing Means Smart Technology Purchases

Follow the early adopters, pay attention to what they are doing, and listen for feedback on what’s working and what’s not. Learn from them, apply those lessons to your own purchases and strategies, and the benefits can be great. Additionally, don’t be afraid to discuss your issues with your audiovisual experts. They know the technology and can find and design solutions to resolve many challenges.

As you know, AV technology can be a costly business investment, and the reality of today’s world is that it changes rapidly. In order to get the best return on your investment, you’ve got to be savvy about technology purchases and understand what will improve productivity, create efficiencies, and improve communications to the point that your new audiovisual technology investment is in line with moving your company forward.

Before making any investments, ask yourself:

  • How does the changing nature of buying habits impact the ways in which employees must communicate externally?
  • What communication tools do employees need so they can be more effective and productive with the time they have each day?
  • Is the technology in your meeting spaces being used so that business moves forward, or is avoidance slowing productivity?
  • Are standards created so meeting room technology is easy to use for all employees from room to room?
  • How are competitors changing products, services, strategies, and/or technologies?
  • How might industry regulation or deregulation impact investment in audiovisual technology?

These are all factors that will drive a decision as to whether and/or when to invest in new technology for your business. These factors also play into implementation and company practices for successful ROI of audiovisual technology for corporate spaces.

Future Proofing Audiovisual Technology to Grow Your Business

Future proofing audiovisual technology is not easy in a constantly evolving business world. However, understanding your business and adapting your audiovisual technology around your company strategy, goals, and processes is an essential step to take. In order to create optimal meeting room environments throughout your facilities, you must start with the right technology and consistently train employees for comfort and efficiency in order to see impacts on ROI.

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