Ensuring audiovisual technology is ADA compliant is much more than offering access. ADA compliance is about making any “operable part” usable, with acceptable floor space and heights that range for optimal wheelchair movement. How can we follow the “reachable zone” of ADA guidelines when it comes to integrating audiovisual technology?

In this eBook on how to make AV technology ADA compliant you will learn: 

1. What it means for work surfaces to be accessible and why accessibility is important.

2. How to ensure technology is within reach for those who may be restricted.

3. The importance of maneuvering room for turning and clear floor space. 

And more!

Having work spaces meet the needs of employees with and without disabilities promotes inclusivity in the workplace, which will lead to better decision making 87% of the time. There are various tips and tricks for audiovisual technology to follow these guidelines. Learn more about the importance of following ADA regulations in audiovisual integration by downloading this eBook. Content originally published by Legrand | AV.

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