In this digital age, technology has been advancing exponentially on all fronts, especially within the sphere of audiovisual technology. Even the most traditional businesses are upgrading their audiovisual systems to adhere to the unyielding technological advancements, taking advantage of improved ways of working.

The issue, however, with the pace of technological advancement is that equipment quickly begins to feel out-of-date. Fortunately, there is a solution - technology refreshment. By implementing a technology refresh plan, companies can stay up-to-date with their audiovisual assets, while minimizing long term costs. This blog will discuss what audiovisual technology refreshment looks like and what benefits to look forward to when investing in a tech refresh.

The Technology Refresh Solution

A technology refreshment plan is a cycle that is set into place by businesses to regularly update the key elements of their technology infrastructure. Every technology refresh plan can be different depending on the needs of the company. For businesses that already have audiovisual technology in place, a refreshment plan helps to standardize the functionality of AV equipment, while frequently integrating newer technologies that arise. Technology refresh is also beneficial for organizations that are moving spaces. Solidifying a technology refresh cycle throughout this process can provide assurance that the audiovisual components of the company will maintain relevance for years following the initial set up.

There are a few steps to setting up an audiovisual plan with an AV provider. Typically, there is a consultation where the provider will gather data on what the needs of the company are, how the space will be used and what overall audiovisual experience is desired. The provider will then construct a recommended scope and both the project and technology used will be decided in collaboration. Audiovisual installation time will vary. Follow-up refreshment frequency fluctuates depending on company needs, however many companies typically refresh their audiovisual equipment every 3 to 7 years.

The Benefits of Audiovisual Technology Refresh

Aside from updating technology, there are many other benefits to the refreshment cycle. Here are some of the reasons that businesses are jumping on board with audiovisual tech refresh:
  • Boosted Productivity and Communication. When communication technologies are faulty or not fully compatible to an audiovisual system, there can be a loss of potential of revenue due to downtime. This downtime can affect employee productivity and long-term company goals.
  • Upkeep Company Identity. Staying up-to-date with technology is crucial to a company’s image. Audiovisual functionality that looks high tech and current, communicates professionalism and quality. Technology refresh helps businesses to avoid looking antiquated and old.
  • Minimalized Costs. New audiovisual technology will be faster and function with more detail at a lower cost. Not only will updated technology diminish costs by improving company productivity, but having an audiovisual refresh plan under a single provider can also cut the costs necessary for future software integration. Streamlining a business’ audiovisual infrastructure results in long-term cost reduction.
  • Technology Innovation. In the audiovisual technology industry, not only is technology advancing, but new technology is also being created. Technology refresh will not only help businesses to have better, faster, stronger communication, but also the most new and exciting AV technologies too.
  • System Support Services and Training. The right audiovisual provider will not only install and refresh a company’s technology, but provide the initial and follow-up training necessary to achieve communication success. Both system training and component level training are beneficial for businesses to take complete advantage of a technology refresh plan.
With all the benefits of the audiovisual technology refresh outlined, it’s clear that every business looking to maintain a quality communication systems should consider the refreshment cycle.


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